
These are pictures I took while Kayaking and Vacationing in Hawaii with friends Pat Gulley and Matt Bender during the Summer of 1995. Feel free to click on each picture below and take a closer glance.

Hawaii Pictures
Mokolua On top of one of the two Mokolua Islands, facing southeast.
Kayaking Kayaking to the two Molokai Islands. Pat Gulley is way in front and Matt Bender is in the middle.
Molokai facing southeast Another pic of the other Molokua Island. Surfed the waves between these islands.
End of the day Pat Gulley, myself, and Matt Bender at the end of our kayaking day at Molokai Islands.
Molokai facing Oahu On Molokua Island facing west toward the island of Oahu.
Waimea Falls Picture of the famous Waimea Falls.
From here to Eternity Beach Took a picture of this famous beach from the movie "From Here to Eternity".
Blow Hole A blow hole on the east side of Oahu.
East side of Oahu Facing north from the "From Here to Eternity" beach.
Waikiki Outside of Chuck's Steakhouse located at Waikiki.