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  • Debra Ellen Brown 

  • Born:
  • Saturday, October 29, 1960
    (Currently:  63 Years,  10 Months,  21 Days) 
  • Place of Birth:
  • Greenville, SC

  • Married:

  • Orville Albert Downs on Friday, August 11, 1978.
    (Married:  45 Years,  12 Months,  0 Day) 
    Married at Home of Mr and Mrs Orville Downs, Mesa, AZ.
  • Children (Ordered by Birth Date):
  • 1. Nicole Lynn Downs on Thursday, February 01, 1979.
    2. Christopher Alan Downs on Tuesday, January 12, 1982.

  • Siblings (Ordered by Birth Date):
  •     1. Randall Owen Brown 

    Debra Ellen Brown —   Earl Wesley Brown —————————————   UNKNOWN
    —  UNKNOWN
    —  Beulah Marie Brown ————————————   Roy Raymond Holaday
    —  Viana Holaday

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    This record last updated:  Wednesday, October 23, 2002