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    Photo Available
    James Edward Holaday`s sod House
    James Edward Holaday`s house north or Grinnell, Kansas.
    James Edward Holaday`s house SE of Grinnell, Kansas.
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    James Edward Holaday 

  • Born:
  • Friday, October 30, 1863
  • Place of Birth:
  • Bolckow, MO.
  • Occupation:
  • Farmer
  • Died:

  • Saturday, September 28, 1929  
    (Aged:  65 Years,  10 Months,  29 Days) 
  • Place of Death:
  • St. Joseph's Hospital, Denver, CO., of cariac asthma.
  • Place of Burial:
  • Grinnell Cemetary, Grinnell, KS.

  • Married:

  • Jennie Holaday (Elliott) on Sunday, October 01, 1882.
    Married at Savannah, MO..
  • Children (Ordered by Birth Date):
  • 1. Sarah Elizabeth Holaday on Wednesday, July 25, 1883.
    2. Claudie Holaday on Wednesday, June 10, 1885.
    3. Rufus E Holaday on Monday, August 22, 1887.
    4. Ella May Holaday on Wednesday, October 16, 1889.
    5. Roy Raymond Holaday on Tuesday, August 04, 1891.
    6. Gladys Holaday on Wednesday, May 17, 1899.

  • Siblings (Ordered by Birth Date):
  •     1. Charles G Holaday 
        2. William Albert Holaday 
        3. Joseph Lemuel Holaday 
        4. Ida May Holaday 
        5. Armilla Millie Holaday 
        6. Dennis Holaday 
        7. Virginia Jennie Holaday 
        8. Oliver J Holaday 
        9. Maude Kansas Holaday 

    James Edward Holaday —   Thomas Holaday ————————————————   James Holaday
    —  Jane Holaday
    —  Elizabeth Holaday —————————————   Edward Simmons
    —  Elizabeth Simmons

  • Notes: 
  • Moved from Bolckow, MO., in April of 1905 to Gove County, near Grinnell, KS. James bought 320 acres of land (E ½ of 19-11-29) Gove County, KS from the Union Pacific Land Co., located 3 miles east and 2 ½ miles south of Grinnell, KS. He built a sod house and lived there until Gladys started High School. He then bought a place from Martin Leonard Hoover, about ½ mile N. of the railroad track at Grinnell on the E. side of the road in Sheridan County. Later they moved back SE of Grinnell and built a house on the land he bought from the Union Pacific Land Co.. John Hemmert helped build the house.

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    This record last updated:  Wednesday, October 23, 2002