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  • Ora Belle Holaday 

  • Born:
  • Saturday, June 24, 1899
  • Occupation:
  • Telephone Operator in Barnard, MO.
  • Died:

  • Tuesday, July 29, 1947  
    (Aged:  48 Years,  1 Month,  7 Days) 
  • Place of Burial:
  • Bolckow, MO. Cemetary

  • Married:

  • Robert Ernest Waugh on Wednesday, April 06, 1921.
  • Children (Ordered by Birth Date):
  • 1. Lemuel Ernest Waugh on Sunday, April 02, 1922.

  • Siblings (Ordered by Birth Date):
  •     1. Blanche Holaday 
        2. Reed Loren Holaday 
        3. Dale Holaday 
        4. Edith Holaday 

    Ora Belle Holaday —   Joseph Lemuel Holaday —————————   Thomas Holaday
    —  Elizabeth Holaday
    —  Belle Holaday —————————————————   Andrew J Turner
    —  Fannie A Turner

  • Notes: 
  • Kept house for Rufus Holaday after the death of her husband

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    This record last updated:  Wednesday, October 23, 2002