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  • Georgina Gottschalk  (Schulte)

  • Surname:
  • Schulte
  • Born:
  • Wednesday, April 05, 1916
  • Place of Birth:
  • Walker, KS
  • Died:

  • Thursday, May 12, 1988  
    (Aged:  72 Years,  1 Month,  9 Days) 
  • Place of Death:
  • Hays, KS

  • Married:

  • John Gottschalk on Tuesday, September 29, 1936.
    (Married:  87 Years,  11 Months,  0 Day) 
  • Children (Ordered by Birth Date):
  • 1. Kathleen Buhrle on Thursday, August 12, 1937.
    2. John Wayne Gottschalk on Monday, August 01, 1938.
    3. Patricia Gottschalk on Sunday, September 10, 1939.
    4. Phyllis Murphy on Saturday, November 23, 1940.
    5. Allen Lee Gottschalk on Tuesday, April 21, 1942.
    6. Ronald Gottschalk on Tuesday, October 24, 1944.
    7. Earl Gottschalk on Friday, May 25, 1945.
    8. Ilene Leiker on Tuesday, May 07, 1946.
    9. Beatina Nowak on Thursday, June 05, 1947.
    10. Terrance Dean Gottschalk on Monday, July 07, 1952.
    11. Merlin Henry Gottschalk on Tuesday, February 02, 1954.
    12. Clarita Maria Baker on Saturday, May 14, 1955.

  • Siblings (Ordered by Birth Date):
  •     1. Mary Elizabeth Pfannenstiel 
        2. Herman George Schulte 
        3. Anna Katherina Frietag 
        4. Helen Therese Albers 
        5. Louise Anna Schulte 

    Georgina Gottschalk —   George Nicholas Schulte ———————   Hermann Schulte
    —  Elizabeth Schulte
    —  Anna Marie Schulte ————————————   Johannes Geist
    —  Catherine Geist

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    This record last updated:  Wednesday, October 23, 2002