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  • John George Muehlenkamp 

  • Born:
  • Sunday, March 15, 1903
  • Place of Birth:
  • Belpre, KS
  • Died:

  • Tuesday, June 12, 1979  
    (Aged:  76 Years,  2 Months,  28 Days) 
  • Place of Death:
  • Plattsmouth, NE

  • Married:

  • Clara Muehlenkamp (Albers)  
  • Children (Ordered by Birth Date):
  • 1. Katherine Marie Mason on Monday, July 07, 1930.
    2. Nicholas Bernard Muehlenkamp on Wednesday, December 30, 1931.
    3. John George Muehlenkamp on Saturday, January 13, 1934.
    4. Anton Louis Muehlenkamp on Friday, August 30, 1935.
    5. Clara Katherine Vencill on Saturday, May 29, 1937.
    6. Henry Leroy Muehlenkamp on Monday, June 05, 1939.
    7. Marcella Maryann Houpt on Saturday, December 28, 1940.

    John George Muehlenkamp —   UNKNOWN ———————————————————————   UNKNOWN
    —  UNKNOWN
    —  UNKNOWN ———————————————————————   UNKNOWN
    —  UNKNOWN

  • Notes: 
  • Mahenkamp?

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    This record last updated:  Wednesday, October 23, 2002