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  • LastName - "Mather"
    Search results of "LastName" for "Mather".

      Name Born   Died

    1. Mather, Barbara Jo (Wright) 5/24/1951


    2. Mather, Calvin Michael 6/24/1969


    3. Mather, Carol Ann (Eastman) 2/1/1951


    4. Mather, Carol (Steele) 11/10/1947


    5. Mather, Carol (Veeck) 11/9/1918


    6. Mather, Carol Marie (Hansen) 7/18/1946


    7. Mather, Christopher Warren 9/10/1984


    8. Mather, Evelyn Pauline (Ezell) 7/21/1913


    9. Mather, Florence A (Pence)      
    10. Mather, George Dean 1/25/1951


    11. Mather, Gordon Holaday 12/1/1914


    12. Mather, Grace Elizabeth 8/15/1918


    13. Mather, James Michael 2/25/1944


    14. Mather, James      
    15. Mather, James Warren 6/4/1911


    16. Mather, James Harvey 2/16/1879


    17. Mather, Janet Mardean (Hadley) 11/22/1941


    18. Mather, John Warren 4/27/1948


    19. Mather, Kathryn (Weivel) 9/10/1954


    20. Mather, Kristine Ann 9/23/1971


    21. Mather, Mary Lynn 9/15/1989


    22. Mather, Robert James 5/7/1940


    23. Mather, Roger Leland 3/18/1946


    24. Mather, Stacia Lynn 10/10/1969


    25. Mather, Timothy Gordon 4/23/1946


    26. Mather, Victoria (Hockemeyer)      
    27. Mather, Zachery Erington 11/15/1977



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